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A prescription for a healthier you.

Deep Health Rx
for a Healthier Body, Mind and Spirit.


According to the World Health Organization, Health is a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.  


The challenge to obtaining a greater sense of Deep Health is not tied to one issue but often several overlapping root causes. The Deep Health Rx program focuses on addressing those causes through the following domains:

Select an area of focus to learn more about the Deep Health Rx Philosophy
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  • ​Encompasses physical fitness and physical wellbeing, one supporting the other. 

  • Helps prevent illness and disease, improve health, and increase energy.  

  • Lowers the risk for several chronic health conditions such as: Stroke, Metabolic Syndrome, Hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, Arthritis, Heart Disease.  

  • Exercise also stimulates a healthy mind.​

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  • Having a good nutritional IQ, eating a well-balanced diet comprised mainly of whole foods. 

  • 80/20 rule whole foods/processed foods

  • Appropriate hydration (water) promotes physical wellness and aids in fitness and recovery.

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  • Quality sleep and rest.

  • Proper nutrition and hydration. 

  • Mobility and flexibility.

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  • Faith.

  • Finding purpose, value, and meaning in your life.

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  • Improves mental health by reducing depression, anxiety, and negative mood. 

  •  Improves self-esteem, cognitive function, instills a positive attitude.  

  • Emotional wellness, healthy management of stress.

  • Mindfulness.

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  • Relating, interacting, and encouraging others.  

  • Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with family and friends. 

  • Building your community of support and encouragement.

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  • Promoting long lasting healthy behaviors, eliminating unhealthy behaviors.

  • Forming good habits and a healthier lifestyle.


Deep Health is a holistic approach to wellness that goes beyond the typical focus on strength, appearance, and physical goals.  It aims to address the multifaceted aspects of health and promote long-term changes and behaviors that can increase both Lifespan and Healthspan.


The concept of Healthspan is important because it emphasizes the value of extending the period of well-being in one's life.  When a person surpasses their Healthspan, it means they are living with chronic illness or degenerative conditions that negatively impact their quality of life.  Most people would agree that minimizing the gap between Lifespan and Healthspan is desirable, meaning fewer years spent living with poor health before reaching the end of life.


Deep Health acknowledges that the choices we make in various areas of our lives can either contribute to improving our Healthspan and Lifespan or lead us down a path of decreasing health and reduced lifespan.  It highlights the importance of making conscious decisions regarding nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, mental health, and other lifestyle factors that influence our overall well-being. 


it is never too late to make a positive change in your health and wellness.


Make a commitment to yourself to have DEEP HEALTH.  

Train With Our Mobile App
We use our mobile app to let you train on your schedule at your pace. We develop a customized training program and/or nutrition program based on your goals and habits, and we track your progress across the board. The app allows for instant messaging, feedback on training and nutrition goals, everything you need to get started and stay motivated.
Virtual Check-in Every Week
We know it’s important to hear feedback, receive instructions, ask questions, and receive answers. Just because we may not meet in person doesn’t mean you are left out in the cold.  We will have weekly virtual check-ins which are critical for accountability, encouragement and success! 
Personal demonstrating L-sit on parallette for client

Let's talk about a prescription for you.

Before anyone can write a prescription for you they have to know about you. So let's schedule a consultation and talk about you.  Your life, your health goals and how we can work together to enhance both.

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